Figure Modeling lessons

I teach modeling the figure in clay using the sight-size method. This is an entirely visual/observational technique, which requires no use of compasses or calipers, measurements with rulers, or any other instrucment except for the most accurate tool we have for visual art - your eye. However, it is not just ‘eyeballing’ it - sight-size is a method which utilizes your vision as a very effective measurement tool, using simple principles of optics and spatial geometry. It’s the same process used in drawing schools around the world to train the artist’s eye, usually through cast drawing or figure drawing, but because it is a method of seeing, rather than a method of painting or drawing, it can be applied with equal success to clay modeling. And just like with drawing, use of the sight size method trains the artist’s eye to become an excellent analytical tool.

Sight-size is normally associated with portrait painters. I learned Sight-size from the painter Charles Cecil, who commissioned me and others with the task of adapting the method for three dimensional work, back in 1997. The resulting method is now taught in studios around the world, thanks in part to Jason's teaching and to his book which documents the technique, titled Sculpting from Life - A Studio Manual of the Sight-Size Method.

Private lessons are 120 euros for a three-hours lesson, which includes all materials and model fees outside of firing and molding; tuition, and use of tools. It’s recommended that a student spend about 30 hours of class time for a figure course.